//Critical Literacy
Monday 2 April 2012 @ Monday, April 02, 2012 | 0 Comment [s]

Thinking Folly was written by Eckhart Tolle who were the well known writer on that particular time.The excerpt was taken from his best known work entitled "The Power Of Now". For the introduction, this excerpt explaining on the power of thinker and how the idea itself will affect their life. 

In daily life for instance, almost everyone tends to think from the smallest issue to the biggest issue. Thus , it will create an opaque screen of concepts, labels, images, words, judgments and definitions that blocks all true relationship. Sometimes it would be very bad and high risk for yourself ; I've was thinking my friends are not worship of our relationship and only giving depression. The self-evidence that she made from the earlier statement was only block herself from mingle around with them.  This shows that the thought creates illusion of separateness, and totally separates other too.


Then you will "forget" by the self judgement or self evident. meaning that you can no longer feel this oness as self evident reality. In simplest way to describe is, you may think it's true even you don't even know whether it's true or not. Besides, thinking has become a disease . This is because, people don't usually use it, but it controls their mind without unconsciously identified. Based on the article, it was consider as its slave. Because, people being possessed without knowing it "overload imagination''.

According to the great scientist Albert Einstein have reported that "creative breakthroughs came at a time of mental quitetude". It's good since the mind is essentially a survival machine, that will be used in order to receive, analyze, storing and produce the data , however, not all of the ideas are creative. According to Einstein, "plays only a subordinate part in the brief, decisive phase of the creative act itself". meaning that, don't think too much , but not because you don't know how to think. Just know how to stop thinking.

The conclusion is, life is simple if we can make everything simple especially in "thinking" . Thus, the creativeness does not come in a critical or forced minded , but feel more free and no-stress. Insya'Allah there will be a great ideas appear.



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